My Love

My Love

Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Baby Girl Is Married!

Thurdsay evening, family and friends put differences aside and came together to be a part of the wedding for my Daughter Kayla and her now husband Terence. It was an amazing wedding, everything went perfect!
I have struggled for two days trying to put together words to express my feeling about the wedding, and honestly still can't wrap my brain and heart around the right words. I am happy for them- I think my babygirl found herself the perfect man. I am proud to have him join our family.
I can honestly say I am glad I don't have to do this again! So much stress and worry, emotionally exhausting... but completely worth it all! I have to say we had huge help and support from so many people, discounts and gifted services for many aspects of where our budget would have been wiped out. I am so very grateful for that!
Everything went off without a problem, only started a little late~ which really is expected! The groomsmen looked wonderful, the brides line- beautiful. And our venue could not have been any more perfect!
I remember when Kayla was just a baby- this day never even crossed my mind. As she got older, I still didn't really see it. She was my little tomboy who played t-ball and loved to ride her bike and go on hikes. Then high school~ I started to realize my girl is growing up and eventually this day will come... and here we are.

As I mentioned it was an emotionally overwhelming day for me... not only was I realizing my little girl was no longer little- she's a young lady beginning her own life... but I had this. This photo sums up everything. My youngest daughter whom I gave up for adoption 11 years ago- this was the third time I have seen her... all in the past couple months. It is so amazing to see her and talk to her, to kind of have her in my life. I know any kind of actual relationship or friendship with her is a long ways off, but for this day... we were family. Also my parents... I have had no contact with them in over 5 years. Seeing them broke me. Hugging my dad after all this time was the best feeling ever. I know the relationship with my folks is strained, and I have repeatedly said that I don't care to rebuild it... but I miss them- both. And would love the chance to see if some kind of bridge can be built. I know it would mean the world to both of these girls if I could have a relationship with my parents- and that is enough reason for me to give it a try. This photo will forever be cherished... it is the only picture of my world, of the people who I really love and would die for- all together.
48 hours after the wedding I am still recuperating. I had 2 small seizures at the wedding, but did not allow my daughter to find out- her day, my health was not about to interfere! I did leave the reception sooner than I wanted, but I was home to see the limo pull up! I left the next morning for a 3-day ME time getaway, it has been quite relaxing, but I still feel drained.Tomorrow I go home and back to work Monday morning.
My little miss is now a Mrs. and I'm sure in no time will be a mommy.
I will do a post of wedding photos soon!

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