My Love

My Love

Saturday, July 16, 2016

friendship and pain

Do you ever feel you have damaged a friendship that means a lot to you? I'm hurting. I feel my actions- toward a third person, caused permanent damage to not only my relationship with a dear friend, but also the relationship of those two people. I know I can't repair what damage has been done between them- that will hang on me for quite a while. But I hope I am wrong about my relationship- my friendship, I want... no... need to repair it! She is hurting, and I feel responsible. I hurt because of it. Different people handle these kind of things differently- some face it head on, address it right away, and put it behind them. Some just drop it all and move on, leaving it in yesterday. And some take time... time to grieve or heal or think about what should be done next. My only hope is that we can move on and move past this.
My friends mean the world to me, most of you who know me- know that. I put those I care about above myself- I would do anything for their happiness. I value the close friendships I have, and I do all I can not to put those relationships at risk. If you are in my life, it is because I care about you and value you.
If you can avoid causing pain to those you love- avoid it! It isn't fair to either of you.
If the person I am talking about sees this... please know I am truly sorry and I pray that we can restore the friendship we have had for so long. I do love you!

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