My Love

My Love

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Few Extra $$$

Every Tuesday for the past few months I have anxiously awaited looking at my deposit from Le-Vel. I am not making a ton of money at this point, but every few bucks helps! 5 years ago we were a 2 income family, with both of us making about the same amount before bonuses... then we were suddenly a one income family, our income cut in half! That hurts. It took over 2 years for my disability to go thru, which isn't even remotely close to what I was making! This is one of the reasons I decided to become a promoter for this company. My first commission check was $7.43... I know, that doesn't even buy lunch at McDonalds! But then I started getting bigger checks, and right now they vary depending on the week- anywhere from like $30 to $150... each week, not month! And now my husband is doing the same thing. His first commission came in today... I was so excited to see the amount! Way more than my first one! So between us we can now really make a dent in our future- just with what we are accomplishing with this business.
$50 a week... put it in savings for vacation or a home, or pay down your debt each week? A nice date night every week? Or maybe a new pair of shoes? There is a lot that can be done with that money! So what if ... a month or two from now that wil be double for each of us! And the harder we work for what we want, the faster we will reach those goals! What if you had an extra $50 a week? or $200 a week??
A lot of people roll their eyes at me when I tell them that I do this... really? Don't tell me you can't see the changes in me and my health since I started using these products! Why wouldn't I promote something that has honestly saved my life? I will tell everyone about it if I have the chance! And I can get paid for just telling people how it has helped me? Pretty easy way to make money! My goal is not to be a millionaire, my goal is to be healthy, and help others feel as good as I do. The benefit is that I have a little extra money. My goals do include being out of debt, I think everyone shoots for that! And being able to buy a new pair of boots if I see some I love! I want to be able to have breathing room with my budget... but I don't dream of being a millionaire!
A lot of people say its a pyramid scheme, or its just the latest fad... they don't know until they try it. What I know is not just what I hear and see in others who use the products- I know the results my husband and I have both had! I don't care that someone else is making money every time I make money, good for them! It is because of them that I have this opportunity to feel good and to make money! Pyramid schemes are illegal, they are bogus products. Look at me now and look at me a year ago and tell me this is a bogus product!
I am excited about having my life back, having dreams for my future again, and having a few extra bucks every week! I am happy again~ and that is all that matters right now.
If you are interested in this life~ you know how to contact me-- Facebook* Red McCann; Twitter, Periscope or instagram* Redxamy; or my Le-Vel page*
Have an incredible day!

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