My Love

My Love

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I still get angry

So, I really do my best to maintain a positive happy carefree attitude. I don't let the little things get to me anymore. But every once in a while... someone pisses me off!
About an hour ago I heard my dog barking- not her normal bark that she does when anyone walks by- but a bark telling me maybe I should check and see whats up. Troy went outside, and dragged the dog back in telling me of a man walking his pit bull past the house, he was on the ground and seemed a little sore like maybe the dog had pulled him down. I felt bad, but thought "if you can't control your dog on a leash, maybe you should have a wiener dog."
So just a few minutes ago my dog starts that bark again. I run to the door and what do I see? A man on the ground with his pit bull at the fence... at this point I was a little annoyed. Why not go on the other side of the street if you know there are dogs here?!
Then he got up. I noticed his Big Gulp cup on the sidewalk- empty with soda all over! He took two steps and immediately I knew who this was. Concerned for the guy? No. Annoyed? Oh not anymore! Just flat pissed! Then he opened his mouth... don't you EVER yell and swear at my dogs!
This guy walks by the house every day. He laughs at my dogs when they bark at him- he's always alone, I've never seen him with a dog. He disabled, walks with a really bad limp- I have honestly wondered if it is due to a bullet injury! He has one of those sexy tattoos on his face that says "I'm in a gang" or "this is prison ink"... either way, I am always a bit leary when he walks by and avoid eye contact- made that mistake once and he asked me for a cigarette... and had that amazing aroma of alcohol- not spilled, like sweating out alcohol. Oh yeah, he seems to have trouble with one of his eyes, too... not blind, but obvious damage to the eye (maybe from that prison tattoo gun?)
Anyway, back to my rant... I am a responsible dog owner. My dogs are fenced, they cannot get out of the front yard. Sure they bark, it's what dogs do when another is in their territory! My dogs were not a threat to him or his dog. He knows I have dogs, and he walks by with a freaking pit bull? The man can't even walk himself let alone a strong dog! Then he comes right back by the same way, knowing the dogs will be there? And is swearing at my dog while he gets past the house. I was ready to go off! But... I am not a gun owner, and I'm pretty sure under those baggy pants and shirt that could fit all his siblings- he has a gun. I shouldn't say that, kind of stereotyping, but seriously! I know I will see him again at some point this week... and I really need to just bite my tongue. But I am mad, it seems to be a common sense thing to me, that could have totally been avoided. I know that I avoid things that could cause problems (ok, most of the time), so many things could have happened! I want to just scream at him and ask him how much dope he has smoked in his life! What if his dog somehow managed to get over the fence into my yard?
Yes, I am angry. Yes, it is justified. No, I haven't let things bother me like this for a long time! My new attitude and outlook on life has kept me from so much anger and other emotions that I see as damaging to myself, and I love this new me!

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