My Love

My Love

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Such crazy emotions going on with me the last couple days! I am feeling so overwhelmed, really.
The reality of April 14 fast approaching is getting to me. My best friend ins't wanting to talk to me, this is what makes everything else so hard... the one person I can usually go to- isn't there for me, no supportive words for anything- the positive or negative I am gong thru. It hurts. My life long bestie is going thru a terrible ordeal, a true nightmare- and I feel helpless. She is my family, I hurt for she and her kids, yet there is nothing I can do but stand by and be supportive.
There are good emotions going on as well! I was able to ride all weekend and still get up Monday and do what I always do on Mondays. I was so happy, then when I sat down Monday afternoon, I realized how incredibly blessed I am. I have been given another chance. Just weeks ago I was contemplating divorce, drugs, even death... today my life has done a complete flip and I am happy with myself and my marriage, and I feel good. How crazy is that? This has me more emotional than anything, I think. Days from making the worst choices of my life, and someone said trust me... so I did. See, I'm even in tears right now! Who would have thought my life could go thru such a dramatic transformation in just a matter of weeks. I don't trust many people, but this person in part of the small group I do trust. If anyone else had come to me with the same offer, my answer would have been... probably not a friendly one.
Most everything is coming together wonderfully for the ride, just a bit stressed about having enough raffle prizes. And getting the map updated.
I got a huge positive kick in the rear yesterday, not even sure why brought it on, but I decided April is going to be an epic month for me in so many ways. I'm excited to reach some personal health and fitness goals, relationship goals, and I have decided I want to be all in with the business aspect of this amazing, life changing product that I love so much! I may not do huge with sales, but I have sales goals, and I have other goals within the business aspect as well.
Another realization hit me yesterday- I either need to lose a lot of weight or buy an entire new summer wardrobe. Seriously, how the hell did I get this far out of control? Oh yeah... depression, anxiety, and just not caring about myself or anything else.
So here I am, the first day of April, feeling incredible and more positive than ever about the future... MY future!
And of course I will always post at the end of each blog, my link for you to learn about this incredible life altering nutrition and lifestyle program! If you want to feel amazing and change your life like I have, check it out and then contact me!

Love and light to all!🌺

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