My Love

My Love

Monday, April 6, 2015

Another day in the life

Life just keeps getting better and better! Yeah, I still have my emotionally rough days, but far less than I was. My family is still having financial and other 'family' issues, but a nutrition program can't solve those things! Every day it seems I notice something new, something that has changed for the better in me. Some days it is something emotional, some days it is physical, sometimes mental. I see changes that aren't just directly thanks to Thrive, but indirectly. Like I am recognizing how blessed my life really is, I'm recognizing who is truly important to me and my life. I am seeing what really matters, and what I just need to let go.
This past week has really been a rough one emotionally... just over a week until my daughters molester gets out of prison, 5 years this past weekend since my very best friend passed away from cancer, Easter is another one of those holidays I can't stand! It really ranks up there with Thanksgiving for me! A reminder that my 'real' family hates me. But that is another one of those things I am realizing ... they don't matter. Why allow myself to be bothered by people who don't want me in their lives? That's a silly thing! I have amazing family in my husbands family, and in my friends, amazing friends.
So this weeks new changes that I am giving credit to Thrive... I am down 5 pounds! No one gets what a big deal this is for me, everyone says I don't need to lose weight. Well, I have two things to say to that. 1~ I have to feel good about the body I am in, and I don't. 2~ no one knows how much weight I have really put on, I do a pretty good job of hiding it.
My other Thrive changer... my skin. back in September I think it was, my doctor decided to put me on another round of "lets try these and see how they work." Suddenly my face went from 47 years old to 17 years old! Constant breakouts for months. it started clearing up a little a couple weeks after starting Thrive and stopping all those other pills. Today, it is almost entirely clear!
A friend told me the other day that I look better- that my eyes look better. This was from a person who was truly against this product when I started it. THIS is why I continue, and why I  others. It isn't just my word that I am pushing, others see the difference in me.
Things are looking up, that's for sure. I am no longer considering using drugs, I am not thinking about divorce, nor am I having thoughts of walking away from my life or ending it! Yes, all these things were going thru my head just days before I started my Thrive Experience. It is really scary for me to say that or to think about it as truth... but it was. And everytimeI do think about how close I was to giving up on absolutely everything, I cry.
Tonight there is a local event, the co-founders of Le-Vel will be in town and I am super excited to go see them, hear what they have to say. They are so motivational and have a way of getting everyone so excited.
Things are rolling along real well for Brandon's Ride! I spoke with a couple radio hosts who are going to promote the event for me! I am getting advertising all over, and slowly but surely gathering raffle prizes. I am so glad I feel good and have the energy to be on top of this all! See, I have Thrive to thank for even this event coming together so well! I have about a hundred people already saying they will be at our event... and that is just the facebook event! I am totally excited to see how big this can get! I am excited to be able to make contributions to Fisher House and Canines With A Cause. I am excited to be able to tell so many people about Brandon, and have him honored the way all of our fallen deserve to be.
OK, too much time spent here, things to do, life is busy busy and I love it!
Thrive on people!
And as always, if you want to learn more about this amazing product that has had such a life changing impact on me, you can message me on FB or check out the link
If you are interested in the ride, check out Brandon's Ride on facebook.

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