My Love

My Love

Friday, June 27, 2014

Take Me As I Am

So here I am, a person people either love or want nothing to do with... rarely is there an in between for me. 
Religious views? Wicca. Where I live, not very accepted! Altho I come across a number of people who respect my views, there are those narrow minded  people who don't want to expand their minds and accept that not everyone believes the same as they do. I respect everyone's right to choose their beliefs and I see no reason we can't live peacefully and learn from each other.
Sexual orientation? I am bisexual. Altho I have been in more relationships with men, I have a need to have a woman in my life, not just sexually, but on all levels of a relationship. I get much more emotionally and mentally from women. I often believe I was born into the wrong lifestyle, I think polygamy is an amazing idea, and I have in the past lived a polyamorous lifestyle, and would love to enter into another relationship in that life if I can ever find the right woman. 
Drugs? Yes, I've done my share. But haven't touched them in years. I was never an addict, I never got in legal trouble over it, I guess you could say I was a responsible user. Alcohol? I love to drink... when I am with friends, and if I am feeling well. I'm not the type to drink alone, and if I know my health isn't wanting me to drink, I will stick to drinking Mountain Dew. Smoke? Yeah, I do that, too! Been working on quitting, but it's not easy.
I've been divorced 4 times. I had an abortion. I gave up a child for adoption. I've been in prison. I have tattoos. And yes, there is so much more!
Do you hate me yet? these are more than enough reasons for many people!
But this is me, and I am happy with who I am. I love everyone, I search for the good in them. My least favorite word is HATE, such an angry, useless emotion! I try to bring smiles to peoples faces, I do what I can to support charity and I'd give the shirt off my back for a friend or a friend of my child. I am a good person, some people just see the negative, and search for the bad in every situation! That is why I walked away from the past... those judgmental people hurt me deep inside, hard to believe we are the same blood.

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