My Love

My Love

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So the blog address is 'my life with no regret.' Why? A lot of people look at my life, where I've been, what I've done, and think- wow, I bet she has a lot of regrets! How can I regret anything I have done? Regret means you wish you hadn't done it. If I changed anything from my past, I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today. I wouldn't have the amazing husband I have, the beautiful daughter I have and the daughter I was able to give to a family who couldn't have one of their own. I wouldn't know many of the people I do, or be as knowledgeable as I am. I regret nothing! yes, there are a couple things I once wished were different in my life, but I have chosen to move past that (Life After the Past) and live in the now! We cannot dwell on the past, there is no changing it! We can only live for now and for tomorrow. I don't know if my husband will die at work tomorrow, if my daughter might get kidnapped after work... I live every moment for the people I love, so they know I love them! And if I happen to die overnight, I will die knowing that my loved ones are happy and know how I felt about them.No, I don't dwell on the idea that I will lose them every day, thats the last thing I want! But it could happen. I never go to bed mad, I tell them every day, everytime I go to bed or someone leaves the house, that I love them. I begin and end each day with a smile and a positive thought, no matter how small it is- I find a positive thought for the day! I only have this life and I won't waste it being unhappy, living in the past, wondering what if.
February of 2007 was the beginning for me, it took a couple years after that to lose the rest of the dead weight that was holding me back. Today I am a different, happy person. And altho there have been a lot of difficult times in my 'past' life, I have no regrets, and I have no fears.
Life is what we make it... make it count and make it good! 

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