My Love

My Love

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hurricane Helpers

Desperately due for a more positive post! So here it is. A couple weeks ago Texas was hit by Hurricane Harvey, altho the coast was somewhat prepared for this huge storm, Houston got hit by insane amounts of rain. Flooding like no one ever could have imagined. Hunderds of thousands of people had to leave their homes with zero notice, unable to save anything. thousands of homes completely destroys, and almost the entire city suffered some degree of damage. No one was immune to Mother Natures wrath.
A friend reached out to me asking if I was interested in helping her out with some relief efforts. Turns out she and a couple friends had contacts in Houston, connections here, and were arranging to send a semi load of supplies. Within a just a few days I witnessed some amazing things, my faith in humanity restored. The first day I was involved- my carport was filled with donations! The night we went to load what was to be the first truck, we packed a 53 foot semi! In a matter of hours. Trucks and trailers pulling up one after another. We had tons of people helping to unload cars and trailers and transfer to the semi. It was amazing! Someone donated 25 pizzas to feed us all. Godfrey Trucking donated the truck and one of their driers donated his time to make the trip... it was all so amazing! That first night with that truck we were already realizing we would need a second truck!
When all was said and done, we had sent 4 fully loaded 53 foot semi trucks to Houston. They went to Grace Woodlands Church, where there were hundreds of volunteers to unload, organize, and distribute the donations. They sent pick-up trucks out to deliver supplies to those trapped and in need. We were able to helps literally thousands of people! We sent clothing and water, baby food and batteries, bug spray and life jackets! Really we had donations of so many things I never would have really thought about needing in a disaster like this.
Now, as Hurricane Irma is breaking apart over the midwest, we are preparing to send a truck or two to Florida. The Keys were destroyed, Miami, Jacksonville- flooded. We will be sending our support where it can be used the most.
We named our group of ladies Hurricane Helpers. We have a Facebook page so people can keep up on our efforts and contribute, we are hashtagging #hurricanehelpers. And we don't plan to stop with these tropical storms!
Did you know Montana and Oregon have been on fire for months? We know we can't save the world, but we sure wish we could! We are making contacts to see what we can do to help, if at all, with these places. One person cannot do a lot, but when each of those people pack up just one box, buy just one case of water or a package of diapers... and all those people come together- WE can make a huge difference!
~I May Not Have Much, But I Have More Than They Do~
This is my life motto, has been without me actually using it, I have always been one to give even if I really don't have anything to give!
Here are some of the photos taken of our Houston Relief efforts...

If anyone is interested in supporting our efforts, check out Hurricane Helpers on Facebook or contact me.
This has been truly a blessed experience for me, as well as a great distraction from everything I have been dealing with. People are amazing when we forget the hate in the world and remember to love thy neighbor.

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