My Love

My Love

Thursday, July 13, 2017


What a week it has been! Before you write people off from your life, decide to hold grudges, leave for work without an "I love you," think of the what ifs...
Last week an acquaintance of ours was riding his motorcycle, just enjoying the day... a deer jumped out and he collided with the deer and was killed. A dear friend of ours went in for surgery to remove a tumor- yes, cancer. During surgery an artery was nicked and a lot of blood was lost. There were moments during her surgery they were unsure if she would make it, but she is strong and will make it. A couple good friends were riding the other day, and no fault of their own or any other vehicle, they went down on their bike- sliding quite a ways. Pretty banged up, but survived. A dear friend received a call yesterday that his brother had been murdered. How do you even wrap your head around that? A blessing he had seen his brother the week prior, but it's just heartbreaking.
Then today... I see a photo on facebook of my cousin and my aunt(who passed a few years ago) from 30 years ago, with a comment from another cousin "together again." WTH?! I had to message my cousin to find out what that meant. Did he die? Suicide? Yes, he passed away. They believe he had a heart attack but nothing confirmed at this point. Of my cousins on the Smith side of my family, Sam is the first to pass. He was about ten years older than me... too young. When did I last talk to him? December I think- and he was not in his right mind! So rather than trying to have a good conversation, I ignored the things he was saying and pretty much blew him off.
I am so very grateful for this second chance with my parents and beyond thankful that nothing happened to them while we were apart. I would just die if I had missed the chance to tell my parents I love them, and for them to die thinking I hated them.
A lot of loss and a lot of close calls... Tell people you love them every chance you get. Let the petty crap go, it's not worth it. Forgive, love, cherish every moment!

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