My Love

My Love

Monday, February 19, 2018

Next Chapter with a New Home

Tomorrow I get the keys to the house Troy and I are moving into. Tomorrow my family will sign the lease take over on this house. It is time for all of us to take that big scary step of moving on.
Excited? Yes. Scared? Yes. I haven't lived with just my husband since we were first married!
I love having people around, Im social like that. And helping and caring for others- its what I do- so what will I do now? Oh yeah- find myself and rebuild my marriage.
This family I have had for the past year and a half has changed my life, and I will be forever thankful they came into my world. Forever friends and forever family.
They taught me about family, they showed me what it means to be a strong family and stick together no matter what comes at you. They helped me understand what a marriage truly is. They were a reminder every day of why I do the things I do, helping others. They gave me hope for myself, they brought so many smiles and so much laughter to my life. They gave me reason to celebrate life.

Its going to be so strange coming home to just my 2 dogs, I will miss the other 4- I really have gotten attached to them, but it will be much quieter. Waking up to no one home? Kind of a creepy thought. But I guess the privacy will be nice.
I'm worried about my job. It is no longer walking distance. And I won't have anyone with us who can take me or let me borrow a car from. I used to worry about being alone, my health... but I don't fear that anymore. I feel better, and have faith that I will continue getting better. 
This is a new chapter for my husband and I, and I plan to take full advantage of this. I want to start over and focus on our marriage and building it stronger- like we should have done in the beginning.

This is also a new chapter for our family... they will finally have a chance to be a family with no interference, they can be the family they want to be without restriction of others in the home. all the struggles they have faced, and now they are where they want and need to be. This was everyones goal for them! Help them got on their feet so they can have the fresh start they so desperately deserve. I am proud of them for all they have overcome and accomplished for themselves since coming here. And a moment of gloat for me... I am happy to feel that I played a role in all that.
I swore 2018 would be the year for me, and this is a huge step toward that. I wasn't expecting this- at least not this early in the year! But I am truly happy for all of us. And even more happy to say that we have maintained our friendship and will continue that friendship! I pray the kids will want to remain a part of my life too- they have brought me so much joy! I love them and think of them as my niece and nephews.
Here's to a new shot for all of us!  Blessed for the memories we have built together!

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