My Love

My Love

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Frustration and Limits

What an emotional roller coaster the past couple days have been! I love that I have been able to return to work, each day I thank God for this! Well, Monday I hit a major bump in this path. 
When I was hired I had explained my limitations, including not working alone. These limits have been pushed, pretty much ignored, really. And Monday it happened... I was alone, and had a major seizure. Fear, panic, then defeat. Yes, I was so frustrated and felt so defeated. Maybe I'm not ready to be working. I had one young couple in the store at the time... I was able to get my phone turned on and handed to them before I went down. I could see the fear in their faces, they had no idea what was happening... but all I could see was that I wasn't really alone- someone was with me. They called my daughter, who in turn called my husband. They called 911. My husband showed up, the fire department came. The store was closed until I was able to call for someone to come in... my boss didn't answer her phone. I went home in tears... I felt I had failed. Overwhelmed with frustration, guilt for the gal who came in to cover the rest of my shift, and that stupid frustration!
I spent the entire next day thinking about this job... should I continue? Can I continue? or do I give up? NO! I hate the idea of giving up! I refuse to fail! I tried to contact my boss about my schedule... never did hear back. Really? After what happened at her store, to one of her employees, not only did she not respond to my message, but she didn't bother to call and check on me? Honestly- the most irritating part of this entire thing! I messaged her today, and finally did get a response, but not even sure at this point if I want to continue working for her! I made it clear that I cannot and will not work alone again. She said she has tomorrow covered but still needs me tonight... what part of cannot and will not doesn't she get? I told her if I have to be alone, I will not show up. Surprise~ a couple hours later she had my shift covered. I have yet to be asked how I am doing.
Do I really want to work for someone so focused on business that they don't care about the people? Does she not understand that the people are what make the business possible? I have been told next weeks schedule has not been finished yet because she is trying to make it work for me. This made me happy because I was ready to call her and tell her I can't continue working for her.
This has all been a huge wake up call for me. As I said, I love working again! And I have never allowed my disease to stop me from doing what I want. A lot of 'what ifs' went thru my head about that night, but that's all they were... I am ok, the store is ok. 
I really am looking forward to returning to work, as long as my boss understands the severity of the situation, and the seriousness of my limitations.
Monday was the first time I have had a seizure away from home and away from the people who know how to care for me- in a very long time, it is indescribably frightening. Stopping work will not stop the seizures, having someone with me while working will not stop them... but having someone with me at work, someone I can explain things to, teach them what to do- that will help me feel better about being there. 
So here's to standing up for my self esteem, for my limitations, and for my determination! I will be back at work in a couple days! 

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