My Love

My Love

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bump in the Road

As I mentioned previously, I rejoined the working folk, I got a part time job at 7-11. When I started it was decided I would limit myself to 5 hour shifts to be sure I wouldn't overdo it. Well, the first 2 weeks- I overdid it. I repeatedly talked to my boss about trying to change the hours she was giving me- more than we had originally agreed on. But I'm a worker, I'm a pleaser. I wanted to do what was needed, and I didn't want to disappoint my boss.
Lesson learned! My health is my priority! My body was not ready for what I threw myself into. I refused to give up- I am not a quitter! But I did end up having to call in sick for a 7 hour shift I was scheduled for. My body had gone into shut down mode. I spent the better part of 2 days in bed, on the sofa, just doing nothing at all. Today I feel like myself again and I am anxious to get back to work tomorrow night! It's a short shift, so I'm not concerned. I am really hoping, however, that she realizes now, that when I say I can only do limited hours and shifts- that I mean it. Calling in is not something I like doing, in the past I would go anyway and deal with the suffering and consequences- likely a major seizure while at work! But I cannot let that happen. I have gotten to a point in my life that I am so extremely thankful for the health challenges I have been given and the fight it took to overcome all of that. I still have those issues- but they are controlled and managed- and I am not willing to allow set backs, I don't want to return to the way I was... I am not ready to get old!
So back to work tomorrow, and my second paycheck arrives tomorrow! I will lay down the rules of my limits with my boss, I will work 25 hours a week and be productive and social. I will continue to bring financial help into my home and positive energy into my life! I absolutely love being a part of the working world again and I refuse to give up! This is a dream, this is a goal, this is the next step of the life I want to be living!
So the overworked last week and needing to take a day for myself- that was a small setback, but not really! I lost a lot of my positive attitude for a couple days, but I bounced back- just a minor bump in the road- they happen! I expected them, but I got so excited and maybe a bit over confident. But I got this, I know I do!
Thanx to my husband for all his support and patience thru this. My daughter for stepping up and helping with meals and other things at home while I'm working. My Thrive, for helping me improve my health physically as well as emotionally. My awesome friends for the support and motivation. And my sweet puppies who greet me after work like I've been gone for days! They are just the sweetest- never, since we have had them, have I had a job or anything where I left every day for extended time. I really think they feel I'm leaving them.
To those of you who hate your jobs or wish you didn't have to work... be thankful! One day you may find yourself unable to work, unable to provide for your family... and you won't like that. Dream your dreams and set your goals... and don't ever stop until you have those things!

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