My Love

My Love

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Life is about constant change. Some good, some bad, some- just change.
A little over a year ago I thought my life was done changing, how much more negative change could a person take? I was done. Then change did happen~ I started my Thrive experience and everything began to change!
So now here we are a year later and so much change has taken place, and even more is happening!
I started a job last week! That is a huge change- that brings with it even more change. I am getting out of the house more, I'm meeting people and talking to people, I'm being a productive member of society again and feel I have some purpose again! I will be bringing in an income to my household! I'm more active... just so much positive with this.
But with every change, there is negative as well as positive... everything has to have balance, right? if everything in life was positive- we wouldn't appreciate the good, we wouldn't understand the ups and downs.
I'm more tired, I am starting to get a few aches again- but I believe as soon as I am used to working again, these things will fade away. I am not home to care for the family like I have been- not able to cook dinner every night, laundry gets backed up, I forget to get my husbands morning Thrive put together for him to grab as he walks out the door. The dogs miss me, my kids aren't used to me not being here- not that they need me to be here, but they aren't used to me not always being here.
It is taking a toll, but only because it has been such a long time since I've been out of the house. I know I will miss numerous events with my riding family and friends, I won't be as available to customers and my team needing my help with Thrive- but I will always find the time! That is something I am passionate about- it is the reason I am where I am today and able to have this change!
I am still struggling with the loss of Chelle, it is hard to pick up my phone and start to send her a text... then realize she will never see it... and I will never get a response.
And sadly things are not working out with my other Michelle living with us and she will be moving soon. More change, altho it will be best for all of us, it is still more change- that honestly, I am not looking forward to. But- everything happens for a reason. The good, the bad, all of it. And all of us come out better people in the end.
Change is good, even what seems negative- will eventually turn into a positive. Accept change! Embrace it!

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