My Love

My Love

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Leaving Heaven- no regrets

No regrets? No- I don't have any!
Almost 2 years ago we made a life altering decision... and now we have come to the realization that it was not the best decision for us. But I don't regret it! I have enjoyed living in a small town, and will always wish we could have stayed. But truth is, we didn't think it out enough- we didn't plan properly or think of the possible things that could become a negative in living here. And maybe some day we will even be able to return.
But for now the decision has been made to leave this little piece of heaven to return to the big city. We sadly leave behind the home we thought would be our forever home, the dream come true or finally being homeowners- is lost for now. We will return to renting until we can get on top of things again. But what we gain by giving this up, can't be replaced by material things.
Medical professionals, family, friends, mental health, job stability and benefits... all things we must have to be happy and healthy.
We are not returning to the city with an attitude of defeat or with our heads hung... we took the chance on a different life, we went with the adventure! And loved it! We had great experiences, met amazing people, made fantastic memories that will always be cherished. Lessons learned.
So 2020 is a huge year for us! Selling our home, going back to the hustle and bustle of city life- the traffic, the crowds, the nasty air. Being close again to family and friends and those who support us in hard times. Troy returning to a job he loved, where he truly was appreciated and missed. Being back to our ride community and participating in those events that were such a huge part of our lives. And for me? Brain surgery! The doctors believe they can cut open my head, remove a part of my brain, and stop my seizures! WOW! This is a life altering possibility for me. So a lot is just up in the air about the remaining part of the year after surgery as far as recovery and change. It could potentially effect every aspect of my life. Hopefully the year will also bring new employment for me, and maybe even getting my drivers license back. We will be getting a new roommate and I am real excited about that.
So here's to the next chapter! A new year and a renewed future outlook for my family!

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