My Love

My Love

Thursday, April 28, 2016

8 to 48

So many mind blowing, heart warming, spirit awakening moments and realizations in the past couple days!
40 years ago~ I was 8. I honestly don't remember exactly what I was doing in April at 8 years old. If it was a school night, I was sitting home watching television with my family until my 9 pm bed time. Life was simple, my world was my friends, my dog, and my family. I worried about if I would be late to school or get in an accident on my bike.
30 years ago~ I was 18. I worked full time, saving money because I was about to get married! I quit school and did night school, worked during the day at McDonald's while my soon to be was finishing high school. Life was great! Had my friends, couldn't wait to get away from my mother, had my future set! Me and my high school sweety were going to live happily ever after and drive off into the sunset!
20 years ago~ I was 28. I had a 4 year old daughter, I was separated from my third husband and I was living with an incredible woman- my daughters grandmother. I worked for my dad! I loved my life and my job, and had finally found my calling... I was going to be an accountant! I started thinking about college. working and spending every day with my hero and mentor- my dad.
10 years ago~ I was 38... I remember this week so well. I sat in a prison cell not wanting to do anything, not being social, not wanting to go to either of my 2 jobs I held. I was angry and cold, I had lost so much of who I thought I was, who I tried to be... wow, was I an ugly person! I was looking at back at who I was and what I was that landed me there, and the things I had been thru since ending up in prison. I was truly at the end of any desire to continue my existence... I was scared.
Today~ I am 48 years old! I work a part time job at 7-11, I am married to a guy who I honestly have no idea how he puts up with me sometimes, I have my incredible daughter and her fiance and her best friend living with us to make my life and my family complete. I am thankful for the little things in life and have learned to not sweat the small stuff. 
I have been thru some serious life altering experiences and I am grateful for each and every one of those- good, bad, happy, sad, they all made me the person I am today. I have grown, I have learned- sometimes thru trial and error. I have found purpose and joy and most importantly love and peace.I have been given second chances by many, and I have built some incredible relationships that I value and cherish. 
I look back over all my years, my decades... so much happened in the between years that led me to those places each decade. So what next?
10 years from now~ I will be 58... I see myself as a grandmother, still happily married to Troy. Probably not working any longer. But I will happy, I will be at peace with who I am and the things I have done. I will be planning the 20th annual Brandon's Ride!

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