My Love

My Love

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

One Year... My Thrive Life

As most of you know by this point, I am a Thriver. And it has changed my life in so many ways!
A year ago- one year- I was so beyond miserable. Every aspect of my life... sucked! I hurt in most parts of my body, chronic pain. I used a cane, I fought a battle against my joints to get out of bed in the mornings... if I even had the energy or motivation! I rarely slept- honestly, I have no idea how long I went without dreaming. I was depressed, I thought I had nothing left of life other than a further decline. I had insane anxiety- and even the medications I had finally agreed to take- weren't helping. I was surviving on energy drinks and coffee. I was on so many supplements to try to level out some of the problems I was having with my physical and mental and neurological health. My memory had faded so much, and short term memory was about shot! I felt like I was letting my family down, they deserve so much better than this person,no, this shell of a person I had become. And sadly, but strongly, I admit I was having suicidal thoughts on a regular basis.
Then one year ago today this happened...
My sweet Denise came to my house with her brother in law Dexter. They brought me a trial of the Thrive Experience. The moment that saved my life. That night I set a packet of capsules next to my bed with a bottle of water.
Day one I was already feeling a difference in my body. By day three, I was feeling better than I had in months! Getting out of bed was not as much of a struggle, finding energy and motivation was a little bit easier. I had an incredible nights sleep on my third night... I had a dream! I don't remember what I dreamed about, but I remember it happened! After a couple weeks, I realized I wasn't using my cane nearly as much and my fears in my head were not so bad. Within a month my cane was in the corner collecting dust, I had gone for a couple walks... by myself. I stopped taking all those supplements because all the stuff I was taking was already in my Thrive! I was waking up and got out of the habit of making coffee, I just drank a ton of water! And when I would normally head out to get soda or energy drinks... I just had more water... Mountain Dew really does taste gross when your body is healthy! 
By summer I was spending as much time outdoors as I could! Getting up bright and early and getting out to do some gardening! Getting on the Harley as much as possible with my husband... I hadn't been able to do much of that the previous couple years because of my joints and my anxiety.
Today I still have hard days, but most days- I feel like myself again! I am ready to live the life I deserve and give my family the wife and mom they deserve. I do have illnesses that cannot be changed, but I have a completely better attitude about those things, and a better outlook on my future!
I became a promoter for this company, Le-Vel, not to make millions and get a free Mercedes and all the amazing paid for trips. I became a promoter because I believe in what this product does! I have seen what it has done for others and I experience daily what it has done for me, my husband, and even my kids. I promote because I want to help other people see those possibilities in their own lives. I want to help people for them, not for my own benefit.
Yeah, it would be really awesome to one day earn a free car, or get a paid vacation to Cancun! Or even just make enough money each month to get us out of debt and be able to spend a little more freely. And I believe I will get to that point, one day. But for now I feel so very blessed just to have my quality of life back. I am grateful to be able to go to the mall with my daughter, and ride thru the mountains with my husband. I'm thankful to sleep and dream, and not have so many pills in my daily routine!
And I think one of the most important things I am grateful for since becoming a part of this company- this family... is just that- family. I have met or been connected with so many amazing people! The nicest people I could ever imagine being able to call my friends! They are the kind of people we all need in our lives- positive, motivational, inspiring! Supportive when they need each other. Just amazing people.
As I go to bed tonight I will set my packet of 2 capsules on my night stand with a bottle of water... and begin year number two of the rest of my life!
Thank you to Le-Vel... Paul and Jason the CEOs of this amazing company, they are truly the ones who are changing hundreds of thousands of lives. Thank you Mike and Chris for being such incredible leaders to your teams. Jonny and Dexter- thank you for believing in better! Your stories are the ones that hit home. Denise- thank you with all my heart and soul for being the person you are, for sharing your stories and your life and sacrifices. Amanda, we had a talk one night that has remained in my head and has helped me more than you probably ever thought it could. 
If anyone reads this who is not familiar with Thrive, I HIGHY recommend you reach out to me to learn about it. What can it do for your body and your life? Who knows! I know mena nd women ranging from 20 to 90 who use these products, athletes, students, moms. Former addicts, veterans, people who are overweight and people who are underweight. Check out my web site, message me on Facebook, email me, text or call me... just find out what this is about! New products being released are just making this a bigger movement for the healthy living industry. Le-Vel won't stop... we have just begun!
Find out about this! Change your life!

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