My Love

My Love

Friday, February 19, 2016

Nine Years

So I'm pretty sure this is the first time in the past 9 years that I actually forgot what tomorrow is... my Facebook memories pop-up reminded me! And yeah, a couple tears leaked out my eyes.
Nine years ago tomorrow morning, I was walking out of the finest gated community Utah and Draper has to offer! HA! That was truly a lifetime ago! 
I'd like to say I've never looked back, but that couldn't be further from the truth! The time spent there, the people I met, the things I learned... formed the person I am today! I look back at some of those experiences all the time!
So much has changed over the nine years. I literally walked out of that place with the clothes on my back. I had one friend who was there for me so I had a place to go and a place to start over. That one friend helped me get some clothes and supported me until I had a job. I was so scared of reentering the real world! Starting over.
But I had just been thru one of the most difficult experiences a person can live- and I made it! Being back in civilization would be a piece of cake! And I maintained that attitude, and I succeeded because of that attitude!
There is a big difference between living in the past or dwelling on the past, and revisiting or looking back. I have never been a quitter or a dweller. I had things to prove to a number of people! I had goals, and nothing was going to stop me from getting there. Bumps in my path, even detours that led me down paths I didn't know I would take... but ultimately- success.
Not huge financial success. There are other types of success. I got a job, and within a year had worked myself into 2 promotions, another year a much bigger promotion. I reconnected with friends who mattered and cared. I got my oldest daughter not only back in my life, but back in my home on a full time basis! I found the man I was meant to be with, and married him. I have happiness and health, I have my family. I have my faith in myself... 
I learned nine years ago to never have regrets. Everything happens for a reason, all these things that happen to us- they aren't happening to us! They are happening for us. So that we can be led down the path we are meant to be on.
Nine years ago tonight, I spent saying goodbye to some of the most interesting and wonderful women I have ever had the honor of knowing... 12 hours later I would never see 95% of them again.
I'll never forget that morning... some things should never be forgotten. They need to live in our memories as reminders.


This time of year is always so insane for me! Getting started on the ride, taxes for friends and family, and the weather can't make up its mind if I should be outside starting my spring cleanup or not!
But no matter what is going on, I still take time to reflect on the things that have made me who I am and the things that I have passion in- and the reason behind that. I take time to be thankful for all the blessings in my life!
This morning I saw a sweet friend post something on Facebook about fear... and it reminded me where I have been. It is true that once you face your fears, your experiences are limitless! 
When Troy and I married we talked about some of his fears... spiders, heights, snakes! So what did I do? I took him to the reptile expo, I made him hold a spider that was as big as his hand! I adopted a snake, a six foot boa from the rescue. Then I got him a flying lesson! Until you have stared those fears in the face, and convinced your mind that you are not afraid... those things will always hold you back!
I lived in fear of so many things, altho I tried to ignore those fears and lived life on the edge, I was still terrified of so many things. Then prison happened, and all those things during that time frame of my life- losing my kids, my home, everything I owned and the people who I thought cared for me... those are the things that scared me. I was forced to face my fears! I lived my fears.
When I turned 40 my life changed. The eye opening experiences that I had been thru... what matters and what isn't as important as we always thought. What are we truly afraid of and what is just a petty phobia.
Failure was always a fear of mine. I was always pretty successful in the things I did, but I always had my mother pounding it into my head that I was a failure... no matter what I did. I had to get past that! Failure is not really failure. If you try and don't succeed, at least you tried- and learned what doesn't work! If you just don't do it... that is failure. You are failing to try, failing yourself. Just do it! What are you afraid of?
No matter how big or small your fears, face them- confront them- overcome them! You will be so much more at peace with yourself and your life. You will have so much more freedom to really live and be the person you are really capable of being!
One of my big problems for a long time was fear of confrontation. Do you have any idea how unhealthy that is? Truly self destructive. We have to allow those emotions to flow, we have to have communication. I have people in my past that I held so much anger and hatred for. I knew I had to let go of those feelings, I knew I had to let the hatred go in order to move on with my life. And I knew the only way to allow that to happen is to confront those people, talk about the hurt and the anger, and put it behind me. I would go into full panic mode with even the thought of coming face to face with some of these people, let alone bringing up those feelings. But we have to put ourselves in those most uncomfortable positions. It is truly the only way we can move on, be happy and healthy, and live!
How can you ever sky dive if you are afraid of falling? how can you swim with the dolphins if you fear water? How can you travel the world if you are afraid of flying? Fear is the biggest enemy, the biggest thing that holds you back from being the person you truly want to be! Afraid of being told no? What if they say yes? You will never know if you don't ask!
So my advice today... JUST DO IT! Don't think about it, don't worry about the 'what ifs', just go for it!
And Thanx Brit for inspiring this post!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

One Year... My Thrive Life

As most of you know by this point, I am a Thriver. And it has changed my life in so many ways!
A year ago- one year- I was so beyond miserable. Every aspect of my life... sucked! I hurt in most parts of my body, chronic pain. I used a cane, I fought a battle against my joints to get out of bed in the mornings... if I even had the energy or motivation! I rarely slept- honestly, I have no idea how long I went without dreaming. I was depressed, I thought I had nothing left of life other than a further decline. I had insane anxiety- and even the medications I had finally agreed to take- weren't helping. I was surviving on energy drinks and coffee. I was on so many supplements to try to level out some of the problems I was having with my physical and mental and neurological health. My memory had faded so much, and short term memory was about shot! I felt like I was letting my family down, they deserve so much better than this person,no, this shell of a person I had become. And sadly, but strongly, I admit I was having suicidal thoughts on a regular basis.
Then one year ago today this happened...
My sweet Denise came to my house with her brother in law Dexter. They brought me a trial of the Thrive Experience. The moment that saved my life. That night I set a packet of capsules next to my bed with a bottle of water.
Day one I was already feeling a difference in my body. By day three, I was feeling better than I had in months! Getting out of bed was not as much of a struggle, finding energy and motivation was a little bit easier. I had an incredible nights sleep on my third night... I had a dream! I don't remember what I dreamed about, but I remember it happened! After a couple weeks, I realized I wasn't using my cane nearly as much and my fears in my head were not so bad. Within a month my cane was in the corner collecting dust, I had gone for a couple walks... by myself. I stopped taking all those supplements because all the stuff I was taking was already in my Thrive! I was waking up and got out of the habit of making coffee, I just drank a ton of water! And when I would normally head out to get soda or energy drinks... I just had more water... Mountain Dew really does taste gross when your body is healthy! 
By summer I was spending as much time outdoors as I could! Getting up bright and early and getting out to do some gardening! Getting on the Harley as much as possible with my husband... I hadn't been able to do much of that the previous couple years because of my joints and my anxiety.
Today I still have hard days, but most days- I feel like myself again! I am ready to live the life I deserve and give my family the wife and mom they deserve. I do have illnesses that cannot be changed, but I have a completely better attitude about those things, and a better outlook on my future!
I became a promoter for this company, Le-Vel, not to make millions and get a free Mercedes and all the amazing paid for trips. I became a promoter because I believe in what this product does! I have seen what it has done for others and I experience daily what it has done for me, my husband, and even my kids. I promote because I want to help other people see those possibilities in their own lives. I want to help people for them, not for my own benefit.
Yeah, it would be really awesome to one day earn a free car, or get a paid vacation to Cancun! Or even just make enough money each month to get us out of debt and be able to spend a little more freely. And I believe I will get to that point, one day. But for now I feel so very blessed just to have my quality of life back. I am grateful to be able to go to the mall with my daughter, and ride thru the mountains with my husband. I'm thankful to sleep and dream, and not have so many pills in my daily routine!
And I think one of the most important things I am grateful for since becoming a part of this company- this family... is just that- family. I have met or been connected with so many amazing people! The nicest people I could ever imagine being able to call my friends! They are the kind of people we all need in our lives- positive, motivational, inspiring! Supportive when they need each other. Just amazing people.
As I go to bed tonight I will set my packet of 2 capsules on my night stand with a bottle of water... and begin year number two of the rest of my life!
Thank you to Le-Vel... Paul and Jason the CEOs of this amazing company, they are truly the ones who are changing hundreds of thousands of lives. Thank you Mike and Chris for being such incredible leaders to your teams. Jonny and Dexter- thank you for believing in better! Your stories are the ones that hit home. Denise- thank you with all my heart and soul for being the person you are, for sharing your stories and your life and sacrifices. Amanda, we had a talk one night that has remained in my head and has helped me more than you probably ever thought it could. 
If anyone reads this who is not familiar with Thrive, I HIGHY recommend you reach out to me to learn about it. What can it do for your body and your life? Who knows! I know mena nd women ranging from 20 to 90 who use these products, athletes, students, moms. Former addicts, veterans, people who are overweight and people who are underweight. Check out my web site, message me on Facebook, email me, text or call me... just find out what this is about! New products being released are just making this a bigger movement for the healthy living industry. Le-Vel won't stop... we have just begun!
Find out about this! Change your life!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Support and Caring

I saw something on Facebook a couple days ago that started a conversation, and I haven't been able to get the whole thing out of my head since.
Recently a young lady was sentenced to a very long time in prison. A very controversial case and much hate toward her from the community... but the community doesn't know the person. A friend of mine knows the person she was prior to her crime, prior to her life being turned upside down.
Support is so vital to people like her surviving the prison experience. I told her to write her, remind her that she is still worth something and cared about.
During my time in prison I lost everyone. My mother sent me occasional letters with photos of my kids, I got a card from my aunt, and I had one friend who, after about half my time there, started writing me on a regular basis. One person. I was not a bad person. But when no one reaches out, no one tells you that you are loved or valued, you truly feel hopeless and worthless and wonder if your life even matters.
Too many people look at the fact that you are in prison, you committed a crime. No one sees the amazing mom you were prior to this, no one sees the suffering you endured and survived for years of your life, no one sees the help and support you gave others for most of your life, no one remembers the good times- they see that a court of law put you in prison.
It took me a long time to care about myself while there. I was hurt, I felt like maybe I did deserve to be where I was... for longer than even the system wanted me there. No one cared about me, no one cared where I was or how I was or what was happening to me. I was emotionally destroyed.
This young lady is barely an adult by legal standards. She had a very difficult childhood, she was a sweet but confused girl just trying to find love and acceptance in a world that showed her everything but. And she has now been abandoned by society, by most who ever would have given her a chance. I begged my friend to write to her! She spoke of this girl as if she truly cares about her and how she is doing. Until you have actually been on that side of the fence- you have no idea how vital that little bit of support can be to your overall success.
Some of you might think "what kind of success can you have locked up in prison marked as a killer?" If she remains in the frame of mind she is in, constantly being put down- she will self destruct. If she has support, she can find herself! she can make progress and understand why she made the choices she did and how they were the wrong choices. She can learn how to make better decisions in life, and most importantly- she can believe in herself if she knows that others believe in her.
I saw and got to know so many ladies who had started out just like her. No one to support them, never hearing their names at mail call, never getting visits. Girls who would return to prison after getting out because there was no one who believed they were worth anything. These girl self destruct when locked up. They don't care about themselves, they don't care about others... because no one cares about them. They may not have started out violent, but become that way, they may not have started out hateful, but become that way too... because nothing matters. Wouldn't you be hateful too, if no one ever called or stopped by to see you? It hurts.
What Im getting at here, isn't forgive and forget. She broke the law, so did I. But if you care about someone, put the anger of what they did aside, reach out and support them. Let them know you care, let them know they can get past this and be strong. Give them hope of a future!
We all make mistakes in life, well, personally I don't believe in mistakes, but we all make choices that aren't the best. If you walk away from everyone in your life who makes a questionable choice- who are you left with? that would leave you alone! Don't be judgmental, let the court do that, let God do that. If you are a Christian, you have been taught not to judge and to love everyone, right? 
And where would we all be without support from others? Did your friends support your career choices? Family support you thru rough times? why should this kind of situation be different?
I don't know this girl personally. I know what happened to land her in prison- it was highly publicized. I am not ok with what she did or what she was involved in. But I do, to some level, understand her involvement. I hate what happened, but how can I hate a person I don't know? But that isn't my topic, maybe I'll write about hate another day.
Just please, support the people you care about! No matter what they are going thru! You have no idea their struggles, but inside I'm sure you realize they need you.
Thank you Tami, for your inside view of this girl, it opened my eyes and reminded me of the reality and the fact that felons are people! She's not just some girl that did something bad who needs to be locked up... she is a girl with a story, with feelings, a girl who needs help and love.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Life has changed so much in recent weeks and months! And with so much going on, it is hard for me to keep up on blogging individual events and situations.
So I'll start with my household... My husband and I have had a very rough road, considered separation more than once- including in recent weeks. But we are strong and we love each other and we are determined to make our marriage successful! My daughter and her fiance are still living with us, after thoughts of moving out on their own. Planning their wedding and helping me by being here for me. My daughters best friend- my adopted and chosen daughter, moved in a few months ago and still with us. We have had some struggles with her, but we work thru them, we are a family and that's what families do. I won't give up on her- ever. We have our battles, feelings get hurt, we get angry, but that is growth. She is young and learning to adult, I am an adult and have been there and just want to help my kids avoid some of the mistakes I made that led me down the wrong paths. My sweet Michelle... she moved in just under a month ago. One of my dearest friends, she has lived with us previously and we meshed so well. We understand each other, we help each other in so many ways. Both our lives have changed drastically since we last spent time together, hers more so. But we are learning these changes and how to adapt to each others needs. I hold a special place in my heart for Michelle, something no one can ever understand. When I learned of her situation I had no choice but to reach out and help. Her struggles are more real and more painful - physically and emotionally and mentally- than anything I have endured... and I will always be here for her. As with the daughter, she is family, and I don't give up on family. Right now things are going amazing, there is happiness and positive energy filling my home, and I love it!
So next lets hit on my health... Crazy up and down! All we went thru with tests and the possibility of surgery and all that, I actually got a lot out of that couple months. I learned a ton about my personal neurological health as well as things about treatment in general. My blood work came in with amazing results! After all these years of being on this supplement and that one, and still having dangerously low levels of more things than I can remember... As some of you know, I quit ALL those supplements when I started my Thrive experience, because it was all in there. Well, after 10 months of no supplements and being on Thrive- my levels are closer to normal than ever- like in 30 years of these tests! a couple things actually hit the low end of normal levels! We changed my meds, we also added something to them to help in a couple areas. I got thru December and most of January with so few seizures- it was awesome! I almost forgot what it had been like having multiples daily! But sadly, they are back... as I expected, it happens every time we do a med change- I do wonderful for a while then it goes back. I will never be seizure free, I accept this. But it is so hard, frustrating, to do so well for so long then suddenly for no apparent reason- start having a half dozen a day again.
Business... Yes, I am still thrilled with what the Le-Vel company and the Thrive line of products has done for me and my family, and I am still promoting and selling it. I am not being pushy about selling... if people want to know what helped me so much to improve my life from a year ago- I tell them, if I see a friend suffering, I will tell them about it. I have hopes of reaching a higher income level with this business. I'm a Thriver for life, and I look forward to every new product that comes out so I can try it and learn how it can help my friends.
Brandon's Ride... Yes, it's that time of year again! I'm pushing forward and getting things planned! Tenth Annual this year! Crazy! I am excited and nervous. I have a lot more to do this year without as much help, but I am healthy and determined and motivated!
And tired! I have had a couple long days- mentally and physically, and not sleeping well. Yesterday was a very overwhelming day for me and it totally drained me. But I kept pushing on. Once in a while we just need a little breakdown to let the stress out and allow the motivation back in! And a little reminder that my problems are so pety compared to what so many others are having to go thru right now.
I love my life, I love my family and friends. I am very blessed to have the things I have.