My Love

My Love

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Been quite a while since I even tried to tackle this blog! So lets catch up... 2020 was an insane rollercoaster of a year! The pandemic- both positive and negative came of it... part one of it! People said 2021 will be better... pandemics don't just vanish over night!

The election- wow... I won't say much on that other than I saw the true colors of a lot of people, I saw the hate and division in this country, and it sickens me!

We are now in February... 2021. My parents have been vaccinated, some friends have been as well because they are health care workers and teachers. I feel like parts of my world have crumbled around me- crumbles into such tiny pieces that they cannot be put back together. Other things are going so well- even a sledge hammer couldn't break me. 

It is so hard to look at some people and ever think I will see them the same as I did a year ago. But I know people make choices, people change... I am one of them. I stopped putting up with the bullshit. I stopped accepting apologies that didn't mean a thing. I stopped making excuses for other people.

I dove into my business- I am making it! I am focused, and I love what I am doing! I don't need those fake people in my life who do things that hurt... I DO have real friends, and I have the people who matter.

A year ago I was in the hospital having major tests done to see if I was eligible for brain surgery... What a stupid idea! voluntary brain surgery at my age? So this year I am facing some new medical things... first- a brand new specialist for my epilepsy. Scary and exciting at the same time, I meet her tomorrow. Yes, her. The 40 years I have had epilepsy, I have had 3 doctors. The first I hated and he didn't even last thru high school. The next 2 doctors- old, male, and not born in this country- leaving them a bit difficult to communicate with... their accents were strong. Amazing doctors, tho- both of them. So now? Female, young, and American. No, I am not racist, I just a new and fresh look at my situation, from someone who I can have a conversation with and not leave wondering what the doctor had just said to me. And I want this to be the last doctor I need for this.

A bunch of tests have come back telling me I am not as healthy in some areas as I thought I was, a couple things that a bit concerning but that I can fix by altering my lifestyle and eating habits. I am lucky to get that chance. And I will make it happen. I refuse to allow my health to stop me from living my best life... especially if I can do something about it.

A dear friend passed away in July. Someone I looked up to as a friend and a dad. It was heartbreaking, but I was given the most amazing blessing of sound when he passed. His wife gifted me his hearing aides. I keep thinking I am going to hear his voice... haha

Yes, it's true, I am mostly deaf without them now. I didn't even realize it until I could hear!

I will end this for now, I actually have a topic I want to get deeper into but in a post of it's own.

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