My Love

My Love

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The American Dream

February 5th, 2019... We officially became home owners!
Growing up you think you have your entire life planned out... college, marriage, start a career and family, and buy a home in your mid to late 20s. And, if the career works out the way you want- you will be in that same home, your kids will attend the same schools and have the same friends thru their entire youth. You will pay off that home well before retirement... and live happily ever after.
WOW! Wouldn't it be amazing if life was really like that? Surprise- it isn't!
Troy and I both grew up in this type of life. Our parents had it all figured out. And we are grateful for that! But us- not so much.
I can't speak for Troy, but he was single, didn't go to college, worked and paid rent for years. As for me- I made some crazy choices, tried college- but that wasn't for me. Even tried the family thing, but apparently that wasn't for me either. Then as a single mom I figured I would never own a home unless some zillionaire fell in love with a messed up single mom! My last husband and I were actually in the process of buying when my world crumbled with that one and tore my family apart. So again- never thought I'd own a home.
Then Troy and I came together. After about a year I was at the top of my world financially, we were doing really well and started thinking maybe after a couple years of cleaning up our credit we could do it... then the loss of job, health issues, trying to help other people... it all takes a toll on your finances, your motivation, your credit. But in my mind I still had the determination to one day be making house payments rather than paying rent! We got into a rent to own type deal that fell thru after 3 years, that was a bummer but actually a blessing. I did love that house... but I hated the city.
When we came here to visit and saw how inexpensive homes were- I knew we could do it!
It wasn't as easy as hoped- we are first time home buyers and had no clue what we were doing! Thank goodness for the amazing seller, she was incredible in helping us thru every step of this emotional rollercoaster! We moved into this house early June 2018- our original goal for closing was Troys 50th birthday (in October), then our anniversary (just before Christmas), then by the end of 2018... road block after road block, I was ready to give up so many times! But we are finally here- we have achieved the american dream! 
Welcome to the McCann Mansion in Spring Glen, UT! Our door is always open to visitors! This is our home!

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