My Love

My Love

Friday, November 18, 2016

Another November 18th

So much has changed over the years... 11 years ago today I walked into a court room and was sentenced to 0-5 years prison time, was handcuffed and led out of the courtroom and taken to the county jail to await transport to the prison a few days later. I lost my family, I lost my children, I lost my material things... I lost, what I thought at the time, was everything.
It has been a long road to get where I am from there. I have some of my family back- my oldest daughter being the most important. I have been in contact with my younger daughter. I had a career, health got in the way but I am again working and enjoying what I do. I have amazing friends who don't care about where I've been or what I've done. I have a wonderful husband, and a good life. I have the things I need- mainly my happiness and strength, freedom and faith in myself. I have also reached out to my parents- over 5 years of no contact between us, I want things to change... I want positive memories of the last years of my parents lives.
I am, for the first time in years, looking forward to Thanksgiving! I will be in the kitchen with family preparing a feast and celebrating the amazing family we have. My daughter is married! I have my son-in-law and all his family here! New traditions and new family! Past years I haven't wanted to even acknowledge Thanksgiving... I didn't really have anything to be thankful for, all I had was memories of a family who was no longer the family I grew up with, I had memories of my first day in prison being Thanksgiving and the horrid meal we were served.
Money is tight, it may not be the perfect meal. But the family and the love will outweigh everything else next week! As for today- I can look back and think I have come a long way! And I have no regrets. I am happy with my path and where I am.

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