My Love

My Love

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

So Much

Isn't life an incredible adventure? The past week has just blown me away with things I am learning and experiences I am having!
First off, I am thrilled to announce that as of today I am officially eligible to have my felony record expunged! Erased, gone! I just need to come up with the money and go thru the process, and I should be done in a few months! So exciting for me to be able to put that behind me!
My daughter got engaged... the realization that she is not a little girl anymore! I am so proud of the young woman she has become, and I am so thrilled about this next chapter of her life! She has not had an easy life, she has seen relationships crumble all around her, yet she still believes in true love and happiness.
I have learned a lot about myself this past week as well. Relationship problems happen everywhere, and it takes something drastic to open a persons eyes and see what is really going on, what is truly the problem. I am not the person I used to be, and altho a part of me says I want that person back, truth is, I'm not that person anymore! I am someone else now, and I love who I am! Walk away from that past existence, that former personality and just enjoy the life we have today! I am blessed to have the life I have and I am happy to keep it this way and move forward!
A few days ago something came to my attention that could have been devastating to my family and extended family. I immediately addressed it, with no acceptable resolution... after a few days of pondering on it I decided to follow thru on an idea that popped into my head. I am so grateful for the fact that I have my health back, and found motivation and faith in myself to do what I am setting off to do... if all goes right this will be huge! More info on that as things progress. But for now just let me say this-- parents beware, there are child predators all over the internet, convicted pedophiles on social media. Please be careful!
This weekend I was reminded of the things that truly matter in life... time spent with friends, making memories and having fun. Happiness, love, and smiles and laughter!
Today I woke to the most touching message I've ever gotten from a customer... she started on her Thrive experience and was a day one thriver, she is already convinced her live is forever changed and saved by the fact that I helped her get started on this product. It is so amazing to get those kind of comments from people, to know that I really am helping people.
Get out there people, change your life, change someone elses life! Be happy and share that happiness! Life is way to short to not be happy, to not chase your dreams!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another Day With Epilepsy

You know, life is strange. I have suffered this disease for about 35 years, there have been some really bad stretches of time and some really good stretches. In the beginning I had roughly one serious seizure a month, then they dropped and became more random but less often. I was blessed to not have any serious seizures during my 15 months of incarceration... altho I did have a few very small ones. In recent years they have become more random, more often, but less severe. I have seizures almost daily- but small ones, partials, absence seizures, things that only last a minute and I don't lose consciousness. But when I do have the big ones, they seem to be more severe- and still rather random.
Last night was one of those. My husband had gone to bed, the kids were out, I was watching TV with my dogs. I don't even remember what triggered it, but as I started into it, it came on fast! No time to yell for Troy, I remember fighting to release my glasses from my hand- last time I totally destroyed my glasses. I was sitting on the sofa thinking I should try to get to the floor... but I didn't have time for that. The last thing I remember was my dog Sadie sitting in front of me on the sofa licking my face. I have no idea how long I was out, but I woke up exhausted, but not as sore as usual. I really don't have much recollection of the rest of the night between the seizure and being in bed. Both my dogs slept very close to me, they always keep me safe.
I woke up at 12:30... no idea when I had climbed into bed, but I needed more water- the dehydration that goes along with my seizures is something that can't even be matched by normal causes of being dehydrated! I slowly got up, experiencing the jello legs, overall weakness in my body, and aches that are expected, and slowly made my way to the kitchen. During that time I was out of bed, I noticed my mouth hurt... one of the most common injuries for me is biting my mouth- the inside of my lip is all messed up right now!
I also realized I have a big bump on my shin... I looked at it in the light- it's bruised and hurts! I don't normally get injuries like this, because I am usually able to make it to a place clear of furniture or other things that I could hurt myself on. But I have a wrought iron coffee table. So I am guessing I slammed my leg into it. I have had a couple serious injuries from this table in the past- a few years ago I hit my head on it.
This morning that bump on my leg has gone down a bit, altho the bruise is developing quickly! The sores in my mouth have stopped bleeding, and will take a few days to heal. I am not nearly as sore as I normally would be at this point, and altho I am tired, I am up!
That may not sound like anything to be excited about for those of you who have never experienced this... but it is a blessing. 6 months ago if I had a seizure, I would be so sore and totally exhausted for 2 to 3 days, not getting out of bed unless I absolutely had to. My muscles refused to cooperate with me, my head would throb, I had zero strength.
But since I made the decision to improve my health, to change my lifestyle with Thrive, I now recover from these horrific experiences in hours, not days.
I have always had hopes that one day this disease will leave me, but as I get older, I realize this is with me forever. I fear being old and having these seizures, when my body is not able to recover... but that is a longs ways off- and I cannot dwell on the what ifs.
This is now, and this is my life with epilepsy. I am grateful to be alive and I am grateful for the ability to overcome.