My Love

My Love

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Family Time

My daughter and I have always been so very close... until she got married. Our relationship became strained, we didn't spend time together- we hardly even talked much. She moved away, then I moved further away the other direction.
Things are getting back to normal with us- talking more, laughing more... and she came to spend this past weekend with us.
Nothing compares to time spent with the one person who is truly your everything. We had an amazing time just being together, the three of us. We spent some time with friends, we went sight seeing, and just hung out at the house together.
I wish she lived closer, I wish we could see each other more, I wish a lot of things for her. But she is living the best life she can and I am so proud of her and the life she is making for herself. 

Sadly our visit barely lasted 48 hours... but every minute was cherished. We took the time, with the help of a dear friend, to get photos and memories of this weekend. We haven't had real photos done for so many years- it is nice to have something updated, as well as memories of our time together.
This is us, this is out life, this is my world...
I was so truly happy this weekend, nothing mattered other than the moment. I love my life and I am so blessed to have this husband and this daughter.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Something About a Small Town

A year ago if someone had said "hey, let's go out tonight," I would have given them a list of reasons not to go... Friday night traffic, crowds, drunk drivers, the list goes on. That was life in the city, we stayed in most weekends because we just didn't feel safe going out, or have any desire to deal with crowds of any kind.
Tonight Troy came home from work and I said lets go! We drove into town and parked behind the diner. The place was packed, I think we got the last table other than the 8-top. We had a nice dinner, I chatted with the lady raffling a quilt for a fund raiser, we saw people coming and going with faces painted for Day of the Dead... and the entire staff had their faces and hair done, as well. 
After dinner we walked Main Street. It was a beautiful night- the weather was just right, not too cold. Families and people walking their dogs, the tamale lady we can always count on to be there, there was a booth doing flu shots, the galleries and shops were all open. We went to the new Harley museum... when we came out I could hear the kids across at the park laughing and playing. THIS is why I wanted to live in a small town. Kids can play after sunset and not be afraid of being snatched away, people can wander in the street and not fear being hit by a car. People come out on Friday nights- not to cause trouble, but to have fun!
We talked to strangers, we enjoyed being outside. To date I have heard one siren since we moved here, I've seen no car accidents. I don't hear traffic other than an occasional loud train.
I stepped outside before bed last night leaving my porch light off- I saw so many stars! There is almost no light pollution here to keep me from seeing them.
This move has had its ups and downs, and sometimes I have to remind myself why we made this decision... last night was one of those reminders that my small town gave me without me having to tell myself.
It was a perfect evening in this new chapter of our life.