My Love

My Love

Friday, October 28, 2016

Help Us Help Them

An update to my last post about putting a roof over someones head who didn't have one... After a couple days of doing math and battling with my pride, we made the decision to create a GoFundMe account to help cover the expenses that are already accumulating. Bottom line is this... we have struggled to support the 2 of us and the one added family member, now we have 8 people and 6 dogs that, for the most part, my husband is entirely supporting for now. I would not change my choice to help this family if I had it to do over again! If I am not able to get donations and support, so be it- we will somehow figure it out.
I am not asking for money for a trip to DisneyLand or even to put my kid thru college... I am asking for contributions to help keep a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs, to get these kids the things they need to get by in this Utah climate.
So here is the link if anyone is interested in reading our story or helping us out. Thank you, and God bless.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Open Heart~ Open Home

People often ask me why I do the things I do, I've been taken advantage of, walked on, I don't have a lot for myself- so why do I spread it so thin that I suffer in order to share with others...
Simple, I've been there. I've been turned away by some, and supported by others. And I remember those experiences. I remember the fear of a bad situation, I remember the pain of being ignored and turned away by people who claimed they cared, and I remember the love I felt- and will always remember the people who were there in my hardest times.
My husband and I don't have a lot, we struggle every month to make ends meet. But what we do have is big hearts and a warm home.
When family is in need, you help- no questions, you just do it! No, I didn't learn that from my family... I actually learned it from the failure of my family to be this way... and swore I would never be like them.
Yes, I've had 2 recent not so good experiences with taking people into my home. But they were people from my past, that I should have left in my past!
A couple weeks ago I was told my son-in-laws family was being evicted. Times are tough in the town they are from and they had fallen behind in bills including rent. My SIL was stressed and worried that his teen siblings were going to be on the streets, this also had my daughter upset and stressed. We didn't hesitate... my husband and I discussed it and decided they would come stay with us until they can get on their feet. Things went from bad to worse and we moved up the date by 2 weeks at the drop of a hat, really. My husband, SIL, and a friend of ours who has a truck- left Thursday afternoon to drive a thousand miles, rent a trailer, pack them up, and come back... all in less than 40 hours.
My daughter and her husband moved out last week, so we do have plenty of room for the family... but even if we didn't- we would make room- FAMILY MATTERS! I have a 5 bedroom home- and now a full house. Will things be tight? Yes. Limited privacy? oh yeah! I have 4 teenagers in the house now! One has been here since July, part of the family already, but now we have her mom and dad, her 15 year old sister, and twin 14 year old brothers. And a total of 6 dogs! I can deal with people... the dogs will take some getting used to!
Money is going to be tight, we took this on knowing they have nothing right now, until they get working. We will have to sacrifice things for a while, as will they. But when you care about someone- its what you do. I've always had a soft spot for helping people less fortunate than I- even when I had next to nothing! I care! Is that so hard for people to understand? Seriously, people in todays society are so self centered, don't care about the guy who hasn't had a shower in a month, or the family who can't feed their kids- they care about the new shoes they bought yesterday or that bad ass concert they are going to on Friday. If more people would open their hearts maybe we would have a little more peace in the world.
I feel blessed to be able to bring this family into my home and help them, to help ease the stress of my daughter and her husband, to give these kids a safe and warm home where they can remain a family. I know that by doing good things and helping others, Karma will come back and help me when I need it.
So this is my life for now, we committed to allowing them to stay with us until June- this gives them time to get jobs and save some money, as well as keeping the kids in one school the rest of the year... I can't imagine how hard it is for teens to be ripped from their friends and moved, I would hate for them to have to do that twice in one school year.
I know there is always a chance of things turning bad, but I truly feel this is a different situation- these people just need a break and a helping hand.