My Love

My Love

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Love. Friendship. Support.

So much has happened the past couple years. It has all made me reevaluate my priorities and stubbornness! Some friendships come and go, like it's meant to be that way... but some are meant to be. We have falling outs with people we truly care about, and choose to remove ourselves from that persons life? Yes, I am stubborn like that, I admit it! But what good does that do? For either of you? How would you feel if that person died before you had the opportunity to fix that friendship? As I get older, I am seeing that this becomes more a reality every day, the people I care about won't live forever. I have swallowed my pride and reached out to a few friends I had lost that connection with, and it feels so good! Believe it or not- you need these people in your life, you need your heart to be at peace.
I have 2 friends I recently went thru this with... both very ill. I hate that it took that to make me see how important they truly are to me, and that my idiot hard headed self was blocking me from really being there for them in the beginning, and I can't go back and change that now. All I can do is be there now, and give them the love and support they need from me. Nothing is more valuable than the love between friends. And knowing that someone is there for you when you truly need them. I can't imagine going thru life changing illness or devastating events alone- with noone to support me, so why would I think my friends could handle it?
I have always taken pride in the fact that I have a big heart, and do whatever I can to help others- even if it makes things a little harder for me. That's what we do as humans, it isn't about me and mine- it's about helping them. I don't ever want to be remembered for what I had... I want to be remembered for what I did for others.
I currently have my daughters best friend and one of my dearest friends living in our home. Why? Because I love them and they need help and support and love that they can't get from anyone else. I love these two ladies like my own family. Struggles? yes, who doesn't have them when bringing others into your home? But we talk thru it and work thru it, we move on and continue to be a family. Because that's who I am.
If you have people in your life who you have distanced yourself from- ask yourself how important that person is to you. Ask yourself how you would feel if that person died tomorrow. I need the people I care about to know what they mean to me. I will support them and show them the love they deserve. Sadly I understand what it feels like to have a family push you away and not show the love and support people normally expect from family. So to be able to give that to others who have messed up families (as the friends in my home), makes me feel complete again.
Never take advantage of friendships, never take advantage of love and support, never assume you can pick up the phone tomorrow to call and say you are sorry for that last disagreement... do it today.